Glossary of military abbreviations
List of terms, acronyms, information, related to modern armour, artillery, infantry, weapons, and related military subject matter.
- AA anti-aircraft
- AAA anti-aircraft artillery "Triple A"
- AAAV Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle
- AAD Armoured Amphibious Dozer
- AAG Anti-aircraft gun
- AAK Appliqué Armor Kit (US)
- AAN Army After Next
- AAPC Advanced Armoured Personnel Carrier (Turkey)
- AARADCOM Army Armament Research and Development Command
- AAR After Action(s) Review
- AAV Amphibious Assault Vehicle
- AB Air Burst
- ABC Atomic, Biological, Chemical (replaced by chemical, biological, radiological (CBR), and Nuclear, Biological, Chemical (NBC))
- ABC Automatic Brightness Control
- AB(C) Aviation Battalion (Combat)
- ABIT Advanced Built-In Test
- ABM Air Bursting Munition
- ABM Anti-ballistic missile
- ABMS Air Bursting Munition System
- ABRO Army Base Repair Organisation
- ABS Aww-Busting System
- ABS Anti-skid Braking System
- ABSV Armoured Battlegroup Support Vehicle
- A/C Aircraft commander
- AC Alternating current
- ACA Ammunition Container Assembly
- ACAVP Advanced Composite Armoured Vehicle Platform (UK)
- ACCE Abrams/Crusader Common Engine
- ACCV Armored Cavalry Cannon Vehicle (US)
- ACE Armored Combat Earthmover (US)
- ACH Advanced Combat Helmet (MICH TC-2000 Combat Helmet)
- ACLOSAutomatic Command to Line of Sight
- ACOG Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight
- ACP Automatic Colt Pistol
- ACR Advanced Combat Rifle
- ACR Armored Cavalry Regiment
- ACRV Armoured Command and Reconnaissance Vehicle
- ACS Artillery Communications System
- ACU Army Combat Uniform
- ACV Aardvark Cleaning Vehicle (US)
- ACV Armoured Combat Vehicle
- ACVT Armored Combat Vehicle Technology Program (US)
- ADA Air Defense Artillery
- ADAM Area Denial Artillery Munition
- ADAMS Air Defense Advanced Mobile System (US)
- ADATS Air Defence Anti-Tank System
- ADC-A Assistant Division Commander - Fire and Maneuver
- ADC-B Assistant Division Commander - Combat Support
- ADEA Army Development and Employment Agency
- ADI Australian Defence Industries
- AE Action Express
- AEF Allied Expeditionary Force
- AESA Active Electronically Scanned Array
- AEV armoured engineer vehicle
- AF air force
- AFA/ARA Aerial Field Artillery/Aerial Rocket Artillery (USA, Vietnam war era Attack Helicopter Batteries employing 2.75 in. FFAR)
- AFARV Armored, Forward Area, Re-arm Vehicle (US)
- AFAS Advanced Field Artillery System
- AFC Australian Flying Corps
- AFCS Automatic Fire-Control Systems
- AFD automatic feeding device
- AFRO Black, Colored, or Negro personnel
- AFSC Air Force Specialty Code
- AFSV Armoured Fire Support Vehicle
- AFV Armored Family of Vehicles (US)
- AFV armoured fighting vehicle
- AGC Automatic Gain Control
- AGF Army Ground Forces
- AGL above ground level
- AGL Automatic Grenade Launcher
- AGLS Automatic Gun Laying System
- AGS Armored Gun System (US)
- AGV Assault Gun Vehicle
- AGVT Advanced Ground Vehicle Technology
- Ah ampere hour
- AHC Attack Helicopter Company (USA)
- AICS Accuracy International Chassis System
- AICW Advanced Individual Combat Weapon
- AIF Australian Imperial Force (Australia, WWI
- AIFS Advanced Indirect Fire System
- AIFV armoured infantry fighting vehicle
- AIPS Advanced Integrated Propulsion System (US)
- ALAAVS Advanced Light Armored/Amphibious Vehicle System (US)
- ALC Advanced Land Combat (US)
- ALICE All-Purpose Lightweight Individual Carrying Equipment
- ALS Advanced Laying System
- ALSV Armoured Logistics Support Vehicle
- ALT Armoured Launching Turret
- AMC United States Army Materiel Command
- AMC Advanced Mortar Carrier (Turkey)
- AMCCOM Armament Munitions and Chemical Command
- AMDS Anti-Missile Discarding Sabot
- AMF Amphibische Mehrzweck-Fahrzeuge (multipurpose amphibious vehicle)
- AML Automitrailleuse Légère (light armoured car)
- AMLCD Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display
- AMOS Advanced Mortar System
- AMR Anti-materiel rifle
- AMR Automitrailleuse de Reconnaissance
- AMRWS Advanced Multi-Role Weapon Station
- AMS Armoured Mortar System
- AMS-H Advanced Missile System - Heavy
- AMX Atelier de Construction d'Issy-les-Moulineaux
- ANAD Anniston Army Depot
- ANZAC Australia and New Zealand Army Corps
- ANZUS Australia New Zealand United States Treaty
- AOI Arab Organisation for Industrialisation
- AOS add-on stabilisation
- AP Anti-Personnel
- AP armour-piercing
- APAM anti-personnel, anti-matériel
- APBC armour-piercing ballistic cap
- APC armoured personnel carrier
- APC armour-piercing capped
- APCBC armour-piercing capped ballistic cap
- APC-T armour-piercing capped - tracer
- APCT-BF armour-piercing capped tracer - base fuze
- APCNR armour-piercing composite non-rigid
- APCR armour-piercing composite rigid
- APCRBC armour-piercing composite rigid ballistic cap
- APDS armour-piercing discarding sabot
- APDS-T armour-piercing discarding sabot - tracer
- APE Amphibisches Pionier-Erkundungsfahrzeug (amphibious front-line reconnaissance vehicle)
- APEP Armour-Piercing Enhancement Programme
- APERS anti-personnel
- APERS-T anti-personnel tracer
- APFIDS armour-piercing fragmentation incendiary discarding sabot
- APFSDS-T armour-piercing fin-stabilised discarding sabot - tracer
- 'APFSDS(P) armour-piercing fin-stabilised discarding sabot (practice)
- APFSDSDU Armour Piercing Fin-Stabilised Discarding Sabot, Depleted Uranium
- APG Aberdeen Proving Grounds
- APGM Autonomous Precision-Guided Munition
- APHC armour-piercing hard core
- APHE armour-piercing high explosive
- API armour-piercing incendiary
- APIT armour-piercing incendiary tracer
- APM anti-personnel mine
- APS Advanced Propulsion System
- APS Artillery Pointing System
- APSA Armour Piercing Secondary Effect
- APSE armour-piercing secondary effect
- APSE-T armour-piercing secondary effect - tracer
- APT armour-piercing tracer
- APTE Abrams Power Train Evolution (US)
- APU auxiliary power unit
- APV armoured patrol vehicle
- AR Assault Rifle
- AR/AAV Armored Reconnaissance/Airborne Assault Vehicle (US)
- ARD Anti-Reflective Device
- ARDEC Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center
- ARDNOT Automatic Day/Night Optical Tracker
- ARE Atelier de Construction Roanne
- ARETS Armour Remote Target System
- ARFORGEN Army Force Generation
- ARMAD Armoured and Mechanised Unit Air Defence
- ARMSCOR Armament Manufacturing Corporation (South Africa)
- ARMVAL Anti-Armor Vehicle Evaluation (US)
- ARP anti-radiation projectile
- ARP Armoured Repair Plates
- ARRADCOM Armament Research and Development Command
- ARRV Armoured Repair and Recovery Vehicle
- ARSV Armored Reconnaissance Scout Vehicle (US)
- ART Armoured Recon Transport
- ARV armoured recovery vehicle or Armed Robotic Vehicle
- ASAAdvanced Security Agency
- ASAP As Soon As Possible
- ASARC Army Systems Acquisition Review Council
- ASCOD Austrian Spanish Co-operative Development
- ASM Armored Systems Modernisation (US)
- ASP Automatic, Self-Powered
- ASTROS Artillery Saturation Rocket System (Brazil)
- ASV Armored Security Vehicle (US)
- ASV ammunition supply vehicle
- AT anti-tank
- AT Ape Tape
- ATACS Advanced Tank Cannon System (US)
- ATAS Automatic Target Acquisition System
- ATCAS Advanced Towed Cannon System
- ATD Advanced Technology Demonstration
- ATD Advanced Technology Demonstrator (US)
- ATD Automatic Target Detection
- ATDT Automatic Target Detection and Tracking
- ATDU Armoured Trials and Development Unit (UK)
- ATFCS Automated Targeting and Fire Control System
- ATG Anti-tank gun
- ATGL Anti-tank grenade launcher
- ATGM Anti-tank guided missile
- ATGW Anti-tank guided weapon
- ATK Alliant Techsystems
- ATLAS Advanced Technology Light Artillery System
- ATLV Artillery Target Location Vehicle
- ATM Anti-tank mine
- ATR - EDS Automotive Test Rig - Electric Drive System
- ATS Atelier de Construction de Tarbes
- ATTC All Terrain Tracked Carrier
- ATTS Air Transportable Towed System
- ATV All-terrain vehicle
- ATV Armoured TOW Vehicle (Turkey)
- AUG Armee Universal Gewehr
- AVF Armoured Fighting Vehicle
- AVGP Armoured Vehicle General Purpose (Canada)
- AVH Armoured Vehicle Heavy
- AVL Armoured Vehicle Light
- AVLB armoured vehicle-launched bridge
- AVM Armoured Vehicle Medium
- AVR armoured vehicle reconnaissance
- AVRE Armoured Vehicle Royal Engineers (UK)
- AVT Advanced Vehicle Technologies (US)
- AWE Advanced Warfighting Experiment
- AWOL Absent Without Official Leave
- BAe British Aerospace
- BAM Broad Assed Marine: i.e., female Marine (US, vulgar)
- BAR M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle
- BARV Beach Armoured Recovery Vehicle
- BASE British Aerospace Systems and Equipment
- BATES Battlefield Artillery Target Engagement System
- BAT Biometrics Automated Toolset
- BB Base bleed
- BBSP Blowback shifted pulse
- BC Battery Commander
- BCC battery control centre
- BCP Battery Command Post
- BCT Brigade combat team (US)
- BCT Basic Combat Training
- BCV Battle Command Vehicle
- BD base detonating
- BDA Browning Double Action or Bomb Damage Assessment
- BDM Bunker Demolition Munition
- BDU Battle Dress Uniform
- BE base ejection
- BFA Blank-firing adaptor or blank firing attachment
- BFV Bradley Fighting Vehicle
- BGT Brigade Combat Team
- bhp brake horsepower
- BIFF Battlefield Identification Friend or Foe
- BILL Bofors, Infantry, Light and Lethal
- BITE built-in test equipment
- BL Blank
- BL-T black tracer
- BLITS Beta Lighted Infantry Telescope System
- BLT Battalion Landing Team
- BLR Blindado Ligero de Ruedas
- BMF Belgian Mechanical Fabrication
- BMNT Begin Morning Nautical Twilight
- BMP Pronounced "bimp". A Former Warsaw Pact IFV
- BMR Blindado Medio de Ruedas
- BMS Battalion Mortar System
- BMS Battlefield Management System
- BNCC (USAF) Base Network Control Center
- BNS Bill Night Sight
- BOCV Battery Operations Centre Vehicle
- BOG-Dwell Boots on the Ground - Dwell (Down Time)
- BOL Bearing Only Launch
- BOLTS Bolt On Loading Tray System
- BOSS Ballistic Optimizing Shooting System
- BPS Battery Power Source
- BSP Bright Source Protection
- BSSG Brigade Service Support Group
- BST Basic Skills Trainer
- BT Boat Tail
- BT Bullet Trap
- BTA best technical approach
- BTU Bullet Trap Universal
- BUA BILL Under Armour or built-up area
- BW Bacteriological warfare
- BX Bionix AFV
- C3I Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence
- CAB Combat Aviation Battalion
- CAD computer-assisted design
- CAG Commander of the Air Group
- CAL Canadian Arsenals Limited
- CAP Civil Air Patrol (USAF Civilian Auxiliary)
- CAP Combat Air Patrol
- CAP Combustible Augmented Plasma
- CARRV Challenger Armoured Repair and Recovery Vehicle
- CAS Close Air Support
- CASEVAC Casualty Evacuation
- CAT/FCS Command Adjusted Trajectory/Fire-Control System (US)
- CAT/LCV Combined Arms Team/Lightweight Combat Vehicle (US)
- CATT Combined Arms Tactical Trainer (UK)
- CATT-B Component Advanced Technology TestBed (US)
- CAV Composite Armored Vehicle (US)
- CAWS Cannon Artillery Weapons Systems (US)
- CAX Combined Arms Exercise
- CBR Chemical, Biological, Radiological
- CBRN Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear
- CCC combustible cartridge case
- CCD charge-coupled device
- CCO Close Combat Optic
- CCP Computer Control Panel
- CCR Crown Copyright Reserved
- CCTV closed-circuit television
- CCU Central Control Unit
- CCV Close Combat Vehicle
- CCV Command and Control Vehicle (US)
- CCV-L Close Combat Vehicle - Light
- cd candela
- CDA Combat Defensive Action
- CDM Coastal Defence Missile
- CDU Command Display Unit
- CDU Computer Display Unit
- CE Chemical Energy
- C/E Crew/Enlisted (Enlisted Aircrew Member)
- CECOM Communications-Electronics Command
- CEFO Combat Equipment Fighting Order (webbing contents)
- CENTCOM Central Command
- CENTO Central Treaty Organisation or Baghdad Pact
- CEOI Communications Electronics Operating Instruction
- CEP Circular Error of Probability
- CEPP Controlled Effect Police Projectile
- CET Combat Engineer Tractor
- CEU Computer Electronics Unit
- CEV combat engineer vehicle
- CF Canadian Forces
- CF controlled fragmentation
- CFE Conventional Forces Europe
- CFV Cavalry Fighting Vehicle (US)
- CG Commanding General
- CGS Crew Gunnery Simulator
- CHA Cast Homogeneous Armour
- CHARM Challenger Chieftain Armament
- CHIP Challenger Improvement Programme
- CIFV Composite Infantry Fighting Vehicle
- CILAS Compagnie Industrielle des Lasers
- CIS Chartered Industries of Singapore
- CIS Commonwealth of Independent States
- CITV Commander's Independent Thermal Viewer (US)
- CIWS Close-In Weapons System
- CLAMS Clear Lane Marking System (US)
- CLASS Computerised Laser Sight System
- CLAWS Close Combat Light Armor Weapon System (US)
- CLGP Cannon-Launched Guided Projectile (US)
- CLOS Command to Line Of Sight
- CLU Command Launch Unit
- CM Colour-Marking or "Continue Mission"
- CMS Common Missile System
- CMS Compact Modular Sight
- CMT Cadmium Mercury Telluride
- CMV Combat Mobility Vehicle (US)
- CNVD Clip-on Night Vision Device
- COB Close of Business
- CO Commanding Officer
- COG Course Over Ground
- Comp B Composition B
- COMVAT Combat Vehicles Armament Technology (US)
- COMZ Communications Zone
- COP Combat Out Post
- COS Chief of Section
- COSCOM Corps Support Command (US Army)
- CofS Chief of Staff
- COTAC Conduite de Tir Automatique pour Char (tank automatic fire)
- COTS Commercial-off-the-shelf
- COV Counter Obstacle Vehicle (US)
- CP concrete-piercing
- CPR Common Practice Round
- CPS Cardinal Points Specification (UK)
- CPV command post vehicle
- CQB Close Quarters Battle
- CQBW Close Quarters Battle Weapon
- CR Capability Requirement
- CRISAT Collaborative Research Into Small Arms Technology
- CRM Composite Risk Management (US)
- CROWS Common Remotely Operated Weapon Station
- CRR Carro de Reconhecimento Sobre Rodas (reconnaissance tracking scout car)
- CRT cathode ray tube
- CRU Cable Reel Unit
- CS Communications Subsystem
- CS Confined Space
- CS (USAF) Communications Squadron
- CSB Combat Support Boat
- CSF Combined Service Forces
- CSI computer-synthesised image
- CSS Computer Sighting System
- CTA Case Telescoped Ammunition
- CTD Concept Technology Demonstrator
- CTI Central Tyre Inflation
- CTIS Central Tyre Inflation System
- CTO Central Treaty Organisation or Baghdad Pact
- CTR Close Target Recce
- CTRA Carro de Transporte Sobre Rodas Anfibo (amphibious tracking scout car)
- CTT Challenger Training Tank
- CV90 Combat Vehicle 90
- CVAST Combat Vehicle Armament System Technology (US)
- CVR(T) Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance (Tracked) (UK)
- CVR(W) Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance (Wheeled) (UK)
- CVRDE Combat Vehicle Research and Development Establishment (India)
- CVT controlled variable time
- CVTTS Combat Vehicle Targeting System
- CW Chemical Warfare
- CWR continuous wave radar
- CWS cupola weapon station
- DA Double Action
- DAHA dual axis head assembly
- DAO Double Action Only
- DARCOM US Army Matériel Development and Readiness Command
- DAREOD Damaged Airfield Reconnaissance Explosive Ordnance Disposal
- DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (US)
- DAS Deep Air Support
- DAS Defensive Aid System/Suite
- DASP Demountable Artillery Surveillance Pod
- DC Direct Current
- DCA Défense Contre Avions (anti-aircraft)
- DCCT Dismounted Close Combat Trainer
- DD Detroit Diesel
- DDA Detroit Diesel Allison
- DDS Department of Defense Support
- DDU digital display unit
- DECA Digital Electronic Control Assembly
- DEFA Direction des études et Fabrications d'Armement
- DERA Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (UK)
- DESO Defence Export Sales Organisation (UK)
- DFCS Digital Fire-Control System
- DFSV Direct Fire Support Vehicle
- DFV Desert Fighting Vehicle
- DHSS Data Handling SubSystem
- DIA Defense Intelligence Agency (US)
- DICON Defence Industries Corporation of Nigeria
- DIP driver instrument panel
- DISA Defense Information Systems Agency
- DISCOM Division Support Command
- DIVARTY Division Artillery
- DMC Digital Magnetic Compass
- DMR Dedicated Marksman Rifle
- DMU Distance Measurement Unit
- DNRS Day/Night Range Sight
- DoD Department of Defense (US)
- DOIM (US Army) Directorate of Information Management
- DOP Department of Productivity
- DP Demonstration Purpose
- DP Dual Purpose
- DPA Defence Procurement Agency (UK)
- DPICM Dual-Purpose Improved Conventional Munition (US)
- DPTR Diopter
- DRA Defence Research Agency (UK)
- DROPS Demountable Rack Offloading and Pick-up System
- DS/T practice discarding sabot/tracer
- DSACS Direct Support Armored Cannon System (US)
- DSETS Direct Support Electrical Test System
- DSO Defence Sales Organisation
- DSRV Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle (US)
- DSWS Division Support Weapon System
- DTAT Direction Technique des Armements Terrestres
- DTT Driver Training Tank
- DU depleted uranium
- DV Demining Vehicle
- DVE Driver's Vision Enhancer
- DWFK Deep Water Fording Kit
- EAAK Enhanced Appliqué Armor Kit (US)
- EAOS Enhanced Artillery Observation System
- EBG Engin Blindé Génie (armoured combat vehicle)
- EBR Engin Blindé de Reconnaissance (armoured reconnaissance vehicle)
- EBRC Engine Blindé à roues de Contact
- EC Enhanced Carbine
- ECM Electronic countermeasures
- ECOS Enhanced Combat Optical Sight
- ECS Environmental Control Subsystem
- ECV Enhanced Capacity Vehicle
- EDS Electric Drive System
- EFAB Etablissement d'Etudes et de Fabrications d'Armement de Bourges
- EFC equivalent full charge
- EFCR equivalent full charge rounds
- EFM Explosives Factory Maribyrnong
- EFP Expanded Feasibility Phase
- EFP Explosively Formed Penetrator
- EFV Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle (New name for AAAV)
- EFVS Electronic Fighting Vehicle System (US)
- EG External Gun
- EGLM Enhanced Grenade Launcher Module
- EI Engineering and Installation
- EIS Engineering and Installation Squadron
- EI SIT Engineering and Installation Site Implementation Team
- ELB Extended Life Barrel
- ELKE Elevated Kinetic Energy Weapon (US)
- ELS Electromagnetic Launcher System
- ELSAP Elektronische Schiessanlage für Panzer (electronic fire system for tanks)
- EM electromagnetic
- EMC Executive Management Committee
- EMD Engineering and Manufacturing Development
- EMDG Euromissile Dynamics Group
- EMG externally mounted gun
- EMP electromagnetic pulse
- ENGESA Engesa Engenheiros Especializados (Brazil)
- EOD explosive ordnance disposal
- EOR Explosive Ordnance Reconnaissance
- EOTS Electro-Optical Tracking System
- EPC electronic plane conversion
- EPC Engin Principal de Combat (future main battle tank)
- EPG Enhanced Performance Grenade
- EPG European Production Group
- EPG European Programme Group
- EPS Electrical Power Subsystem
- EPU Electronics Processing Unit
- ER enhanced radiation
- ER extended range
- ERA explosive reactive armour
- ERA extended range ammunition
- ERC Engin de Reconnaissance Canon
- ERFB extended range full-bore
- ERFB-BB extended range full-bore - base bleed
- ERGFCDS Extended Range Gunnery Fire-Control Demonstration System
- ERGP extended range guided projectile
- ERMIS Extended Range Modification Integration System
- ERP Extended Range Projectile
- ERSC extended range subcalibre
- ERV emergency rescue vehicle
- ERV Engineer Reconnaissance Vehicle
- ES Extreme Spread
- ESAF Elecronic Safety and Arm Function
- ESD Electronique Serge Dassault
- ESLDE Eyesafe Laser Daylight Elbow
- ESPAWS Enhanced Self-Propelled Artillery Weapon System (US)
- ESRS electro-slag refined steel
- ETA Estimated Time of Arrival
- ETC ElectroThermal Cannon
- ETD Estimated Time of Departure
- ETM Electronic Technical Manuals
- ETS Elevated TOW System
- ETS Engineer Tank System
- EW electronic warfare
- EWK Eisenwerke Kaiserslautern Gцppner
- EWS external weapon station
- FAAD Forward Area Air Defense
- FAAR Forward Area Alerting Radar (US)
- FAARP Forward Area Arming & Refueling Point
- FAASV Field Artillery Ammunition Support Vehicle (US)
- FAC Forward Air Control(er)
- FAC-A Forward Air Control(er)-Airborne
- FACE Field Artillery Computer Equipment
- FAL Fusil Automatique Légère
- FAPDS Frangible Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot
- FARP Forward Arear Refueling Point
- FARS field artillery rocket system
- FARV-A Future Armored Resupply Vehicle - Artillery (US)
- FAST Forward Area Support Team
- FAV Fast Attack Vehicle (US)
- FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation
- FBRV Future Beach Recovery Vehicle (UK)
- FCC Fire Command Centre
- FCC Fire-Control Computer
- FCCVS Future Close-Combat Vehicle System (US)
- FCE fire-control equipment
- FCLV Future Command and Liaison Vehicle (UK)
- FCS fire-control system/subsystem
- FCS Future Combat System
- FCU Fire Control Unit
- FDC fire direction centre
- FDCV fire direction centre vehicle
- FDSWS Future Direct Support Weapon System
- FEBA Forward Edge of the Battle Area
- FEP Firepower Enhancement Programme
- FET Future Engineer Tank
- FFAR Folding Fin Aerial Rocket
- FFE Fire for Effect
- FFSS Future Fighting Soldier System
- FG field gun
- FH field howitzer
- FIBUA Fighting In Built-Up Areas
- FID Foreign Internal Defenses
- FIFV Future Infantry Fighting Vehicle (US)
- FIRM Floating Integrated Rail Mount
- FIS Fuze Interface System
- FISH Fighting In Someone's House (UK) (Colloquial. Slang term for FIBUA)
- FIST Future Integrated Soldier Technology (UK), Fire Support Team (US)
- FISTV Fire Support Team Vehicle (US)
- FITOW Further Improved TOW (US)
- FLEA Frangible Low Energy Ammunition (i.e. a fragmentation grenade or a low yield IED)
- FLIR forward-looking infra-red
- FLOT forward line of own troops
- FLSW Future Light Support Weapon
- FM U.S. Army Field Manuals
- FM Titanium tetrachloride (code designation)
- FMBS Family of Muzzle Brake/Suppressors
- FMC Food Machinery Corporation
- FMF Fleet Marine Force
- FMJ Full Metal Jacket
- FMJBT Full Metal Jacket Boat Tail
- FMJLF Full Metal Jacket Lead Free
- FMS Foreign Military Sales
- FMTV Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles
- FN Fabrique Nationale (Manufacturer)
- FO Forward Observer
- FOB Forward Operating Base
- FOC Full Operational Capability
- FOD Foreign Object Damage (i.e. damage not caused by enemy fire. Includes bugs, dirt, etc.) (Aviation)
- FOG Fibre Optic Gyro
- FOM Fibre Optic Missile
- FOO forward observation officer
- FORTIS Forward Observation and Reconnaissance Thermal Imaging System
- FOTT Follow On To TOW
- FOV field of view
- FPA Focal Plane Array
- FRAG fragmentation
- FRAGO FRAGmentary Order. (see OPORD)
- FRES Future Rapid Effect System
- FROG free rocket over ground
- FSCL fire support coordination line
- FSCM fire support coordination measure
- FSCV fire support combat vehicle
- FSE fire support element
- FSED full-scale engineering development (US)
- FSSG Force Service Support Group
- FST Future Soviet Tank/Follow-on Soviet Tank
- FSV fire support vehicle
- FSV Future Scout Vehicle (US)
- FTA Frangible Training Ammunition
- FTMA Future Tank Main Armament
- FTS Future Tank Study
- FTT Field Tactical Trainer
- FUBAR Fouled/Fucked Up Beyond All Reason/Recognition/Repair
- FUE First Unit Equipped
- FUG Felderitц Usу Gépkosci
- FV fighting vehicle
- FV/GCE fighting vehicle gun control equipment
- FVDD Fighting Vehicle Development Division
- FVRDE Fighting Vehicle Research and Development Establishment (UK)
- FVS Fighting Vehicle System (US)
- FVSC Fighting Vehicle Systems Carrier (US)
- FY fiscal year
- g gramme(s)
- G gendarmerie
- GAMA Gun Automatic Multiple Ammunition
- GAO General Accounting Office
- GAP Gun Aiming Post
- GBAD Ground Based Air Defence
- GCE gun control equipment
- GCT Grande Cadence de Tir (high rate of fire)
- GCU Gun Control Unit
- GCW Gross Combat Weight
- GD General Dynamics
- GDLS General Dynamics Land Systems
- GDU Gun Display Unit
- GFE Government Furnished Equipment
- GH gun-howitzer
- GIAT Groupement Industriel des Armements Terrestres
- GL Grenade Launcher
- GLATGM Gun Launched Anti-Tank Guided Missile
- GLC gun lay computer
- GLDNSM Grenade Launcher Day-Night Sight Mount
- GLH-H Ground-Launched Hellfire-Heavy (US)
- GLLD Ground Laser Locator Designator (US)
- GLS Gesellschaft für Logistischen Service
- GM, MVO General Motors, Military Vehicle Operations
- GMC General Motors Corporation
- GMG Grenade Machine Gun
- GMLRS Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System
- GMS Gun Management System
- GOCO government-owned, contractor-operated (US)
- GOP General Out Post
- GP General Purpose
- GP guided projectile
- GPMG General Purpose Machine Gun
- GPO gun position officer
- GPS Global Positioning System
- GPS gunner's primary sight
- GPSS Gunner's Primary Sight Subsystem
- GREM Grenade Rifle Entry Munition
- GRU Glavnoe Razvedyvatel'noe Upravlenie, meaning Main Intelligence Directorate
- GSR General Staff Requirement (US)
- GSRS General Support Rocket System
- GST General Staff Target
- GST Gesellschaft fьr System-Technik
- GTCS Gun Test and Control System
- GTI German Tank Improvement
- GVW Gross Vehicle Weight
- GW guided weapon
- h hour(s)
- H&K Heckler and Koch
- HAB Heavy Assault Bridge (US)
- HAG Heavy Artillery Gun
- HALO High Altitude Low Opening, High Activity/Low Observable
- HAMS Headquarters and Maintenance Squadron - Marine Aircraft Group (USMC)
- HAWK Homing-All-the-Way-Killer (US)
- HB heavy barrel
- HBAR Heavy Barrel Assault Rifle
- HC Hexachloroethane/zinc
- HC high capacity
- HC Hollow Charge
- HCER high-capacity extended range
- HCHE high-capacity high explosive
- HCT HOT Compact Turret
- HDS HOLOgraphic Diffraction Sight
- HE high explosive
- HE-APERS high-explosive anti-personnel
- HE-FRAG high-explosive fragmentation
- HE-FRAG-FS high-explosive fragmentation - fin-stabilised
- HE-FS high-explosive - fin-stabilised
- HE-S high-explosive spotting
- HE-T high-explosive tracer
- HE/PR high-explosive practice
- HEAA High Explosive Anti-Armour
- HEAB High Explosive Air Burst
- HEAP High Explosive Armor Piercing
- HEAP-T high-explosive anti-personnel - tracer
- HEAT high-explosive anti-tank
- HEAT-FS high-explosive anti-tank fin-stabilised
- HEAT-MP high-explosive anti-tank multipurpose
- HEAT-MP(P) high-explosive anti-tank multipurpose (practice)
- HEAT-T high-explosive anti-tank - tracer
- HEAT-T-HVY high-explosive anti-tank - tracer - heavy
- HEAT-T-MP high-explosive anti-tank - tracer - multipurpose
- HEAT-TP-T high-explosive anti-tank - target practice - tracer
- HED-D Hybrid Electric Drive-Demonstrator
- HEDP high-explosive dual-purpose
- HEER High-Explosive Extended Range (US)
- HEF High Explosive Fragmentation
- HEFT High Explosive Follow Through
- HEI high-explosive incendiary
- HEIT high-explosive incendiary tracer
- HEL High-Energy Laser (US)
- HEL Human Engineering Laboratory (US)
- HELP Howitzer Extended Life Program (US)
- HEMAT Heavy Expanded Mobility Ammunition Trailer (US)
- HEMP High Explosive Multi-Purpose
- HEMTT Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck (US)
- HEP high-explosive plastic
- HEP-T high-explosive practice - tracer
- HEPD high-explosive point detonating
- HERA high-explosive rocket-assisted
- HESH high-explosive squash head
- HESH-T high-explosive squash head - tracer
- HET-PF high-explosive tracer - percussion fuze
- HETF High Explosive Time Fuzed
- HETS Heavy Equipment Transport System
- HFCC Howitzer Fire-Control Computer (US)
- HFHTB Human Factors Howitzer TestBed (US)
- HFM Heavy Force Modernisation (US)
- HIFV Heavy Infantry Fighting Vehicle
- HIMAG High-Mobility Agility Test Vehicle (US)
- HIMARS High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (US)
- HIP Howitzer Improvement Program (US)
- HIRE Hughes Infra-Red Equipment
- HITP High Ignition Temperature Propellant
- HIU Heading Indicator Unit
- HMC Howitzer Motor Carriage
- HMD Helmet-Mounted Display
- HMG Heavy Machine Gun
- HMH Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron
- HMLC High-Mobility Load Carrier
- HML/A Marine Light/Attack Helicopter Squadron
- HMM Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron
- HMMWV High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle
- HMX Marine Special Mission Helicopter Squadron
- HOE Holographic Optical Element
- HOT Haute subsonique Optiquement Téléguidé
- How Howitzer
- HP High Power; Hollow Point
- hp Horsepower
- HPFP High-Performance Fragmentation Projectile
- HPS Helmet Pointing System (or Sight)
- HPT high-pressure test
- HRU Heading Reference Unit
- HS Headquarters Squadron - Marine Wing Support Group (USMC)
- HSS Hunter Sensor Suite
- HSTV(L) High-Survivability Test Vehicle (Lightweight) (US)
- HTTB High-Technology TestBed (US)
- HVAP high-velocity armour-piercing
- HVAP-T high-velocity armour-piercing tracer
- HVAPDS-T high-velocity armour-piercing discarding sabot - tracer
- HVAPFSDS high-velocity armour-piercing fin-stabilised discarding sabot
- HVCC High Velocity Canister Cartridge
- HVM Hypervelocity Missile
- HVSS horizontal volute spring suspension
- HVSW Hypervelocity Support Weapon
- HVTP-T high-velocity target practice - tracer
- HWSTD High Water Speed Technology Demonstrator
- HYPAK Hydraulic Power Assist Kit
- I Incendiary
- IAFV infantry armoured fighting vehicle
- IAI Israel Aircraft Industries
- IAL Infra-red Aiming Light
- IASD Instant Ammunition Selection Device
- IBAS Improved Bradley Acquisition System
- ICC information co-ordination centre
- ICM improved conventional munition
- ICM BB improved conventional munition base bleed
- ICV Infantry Combat Vehicle
- IDF Israel Defence Forces
- IDW Individual Defence Weapon
- IED Improvised Explosive Device
- IEPG Independent European Program Group
- IFCS Improved/Integrated Fire-Control System
- IFF Identification Friend or Foe
- IFV infantry fighting vehicle
- IFVwCM Infantry Fighting Vehicle with Integrated Countermeasures (US)
- IGLS Individual Grenade Launcher System
- II image intensification/intensifier
- IIR Imaging Infra-Red
- ILL illuminating
- ILMS Improved Launcher Mechanical System
- ILS Integrated Logistic Support
- IM Insensitive Munition(s)
- IMMLC Improved Medium Mobility Load Carrier
- IMU Inertial Measurement Unit
- INSAS Indian Small Arms System
- InSb Indium-antimonide
- IOC initial operational capability
- IOF Indian Ordnance Factory
- IPB Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield
- IPF Initial Production Facility
- IPO International Programme Office
- IPPD Integrated Product Process Development
- IR Infra-Red
- IRBM Intermediate-range ballistic missile
- IRU Inertial Reference Unit
- IS internal security
- ISD In Service Date
- ISGU Integrated Sight and Guidance Unit
- ISR Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance
- ISU Integrated Sight Unit
- ISV Internal Security Vehicle
- ITAS Improved Target Acquisition System
- ITOW Improved TOW
- ITPIAL Infra-red Target Pointer/Illuminator/Aiming Laser
- ITT Invitation To Tender
- ITV Improved TOW Vehicle (US)
- IVPDL Inter-Vehicle Positioning and Data Link (US)
- IW Individual Weapon
- IWS Improved Weapon System
- JBMoU Joint Ballistic Memorandum of Understanding
- JDAM Joint Direct Attack Munition
- JERRV Joint Engineer Rapid Response Vehicle
- JGSDF Japanese Ground Self-Defence Force
- JHP Jacketed hollow point
- JLTA Javelin Composite Launch Tube
- JMAC Joint Medium-calibre Automatic Cannon
- JPO Joint Project Office
- JSC Joint Steering Committee
- JSCS Joint Service Combat Shotgun
- JSDFA Japanese Self-Defence Force Agency
- JSP Jacketed Soft Point
- JSSAMP Joint Services Small Arms Master Plan
- JSSAP Joint Services Small Arms Programme
- LAAG light anti-aircraft gun
- LAAM Light Anti-Aircraft Missile
- LAAW Light Anti-Tank Assault Weapon
- LAD light aid detachment
- LADS light air defense system (US)
- LAG Light Artillery Gun
- LALO Low Altitude Low Opening
- LAM Laser Aiming Module
- LAPES Low-Altitude Parachute Extraction System
- LAR Light Automatic Rifle
- LASER Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
- LASIP Light Artillery System Improvement Plan
- LATS Light Armoured Turret System
- LAU Light Armoured Unit
- LAV Light Armored Vehicle (US)
- LAV Light Assault Vehicle (US)
- LAV-AD Light Armored Vehicle - Air Defense
- LAW light anti-tank weapon
- LB Long Barrel
- LC Laser Collimator
- LCD Liquid crystal display
- LCS Loader Control System
- LCU Landing Craft Utility
- LCV Light Contingency Vehicle (LCV) (US)
- LD Low drag, Line of Departure
- LE Law Enforcement
- LED light emitting diode
- LEP Life Extension Programme
- LEU Launcher Erector Unit
- LF ATGW Light Forces' Anti-Tank Guided Weapon
- LF Linked Feed
- LFHG Lightweight Fragmentation Hand Grenade
- LFL Light Fighter Lethality
- LIA Linear Induction Accelerator
- LIMAWS Lightweight Mobile Artillery Weapon System
- LION Lightweight Infra-red Observation Night sight
- LIW Lyttleton Engineering Works
- LKP Loader Keyboard Panel
- LLAD low-level air defence
- LLLTV low light level television
- LLM Launcher Loader Module
- LMAW Light Multi-purpose Assault Weapon
- LMG light machine gun
- LNS Land Navigation System
- LNS Laying and Navigation System
- L/O Liaison Officer
- LOAL Lock-On After Launch
- LOBL Lock-On Before Launch
- LOC Line Of Communication
- LOS Line Of Sight
- LOSAT Line Of Sight Anti-Tank
- LP Liquid Propellant
- LP Listening Post
- LPC Launch Pod Container
- LPC Launcher Pod Carrier
- LPG Liquid Propellant Gun
- LPO Leading Petty Officer
- LPT Low-Profile Turret
- LPTS Lightweight Protected Turret System
- LR Long Rifle
- LR Long-Range
- LRAR Long Range Artillery Rocket
- LRASS Long-Range Advanced Scout System
- LRAT long-range anti-tank
- LRBB long-range base bleed
- LRD Long Range Deflagrator
- LRF laser rangefinder
- LRF Low Recoil Force
- LRHB long-range hollow base
- LRIP Low-Rate Initial Production
- LRM Laser Rangefinder Module
- LRN Lead Round Nose
- LRN Low Recoil NORICUM
- LRRP Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol
- LRSA Long Range Sniper Ammunition
- LRSU Long Range Surveillance Unit
- LRU Launcher Replenishment Unit
- LRU Line Replacement Unit
- LRU line-replaceable unit
- LSS Lightweight Shotgun System
- LSW Light Support Weapon
- LTA Launch Tube Assembly
- LTD laser target designator
- LTFCS Laser Tank Fire-Control System
- LTP Laser Target Pointer, Luminesant Training Projectile
- LUTE Lightweight Uncooled Thermal Imager Equipment
- LVA landing vehicle assault (US)
- LVS Lightweight Video Sight
- LVT landing vehicle tracked (US)
- LVTC landing vehicle tracked command (US)
- LVTE landing vehicle tracked engineer (US)
- LVTH landing vehicle tracked howitzer (US)
- LVTP landing vehicle tracked personnel (US)
- LVTR landing vehicle tracked recovery (US)
- LWC Lead Wad Cutter
- LWIR Long Wave Infrared
- LWL LightWeight Launcher
- LWML LightWeight Multiple Launcher
- LWMS LightWeight Modular Sight
- LWS laser warning system
- LWT light weapon turret
- LZ landing zone
- m metre(s)
- m/s metres per second
- MAB Marine Amphibious Brigade
- MABS Marine Air Base Squadron
- MAC Medium Armored Car (US)
- MAC Military Airlift Command
- MACS Modular Artillery Charge System
- MACS Marine Air Control Squadron
- MADLS Mobile Air Defence Launching System
- MAF Marine Amphibious Force
- MAG Marine Aircraft Group
- MAGTEC Marine Air/Ground Training & Education Command
- MAGTF Marine Air/Ground Task Force
- MALOS Miniature Laser Optical Sight
- MALS Marine Air Logistics Squadron
- MAMBA Mobile Artillery Monitoring Battlefield Radar
- MAOV Mobile Artillery Observation Vehicle
- MAP Military Aid Programme
- MAPS Modular Azimuth Position System
- MAR Micro Assault Rifle
- MARDI Mobile Advanced Robotics Defence Initiative (UK)
- MARDIV Marine Division (US)
- MARS Military Amateur Radio Station
- MARS Mini Assault Rifle System
- MARS Multi-purpose Aiming Reflex Sight
- MARS Multiple Artillery Rocket System
- MASS Marine Air Support Squadron
- MATCS Marine Air Traffic Control Squadron
- MATSG Marine Air Training Support Group
- MAU(SOC) Marine Amphibious Unit (Special Operations Capable)
- MAV maintenance assist vehicle
- MAVD MLRS Aim Verification Device
- MAW Marine Air Wing (US)
- MBA main battle area
- MBB Messerschmitt-Bцlkow-Blohm
- MBC Mortar Ballistic Computer
- MBT main battle tank
- MCLOS Manual Command to Line Of Sight
- MCRV Mechanised Combat Repair Vehicle
- MCS Microclimate Conditioning System
- MCS modular charge system
- MCSK Mine Clearance System Kit (US)
- MCT Medium Combat Tractor (US)
- MCT Mercury Cadmium Telluride
- MCV Mechanised Combat Vehicle
- MCWL Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory
- MCWS Minor Calibre Weapons Station (US)
- MDMP Military Decision Making Process
- MDU Map Display Unit
- MEB Marine Expeditionary Brigade
- MEDEVAC Medical Evacuation
- MEF Marine Expeditionary Force
- MENS Mission Element Need Statement (US)
- MEP Modular Explosive Penetrator
- MEPSMilitary Entrance Processing Station
- METO Middle East Treaty Organisation; CENTO or Baghdad Pact
- METL Mission Essential Task List
- METT-TC Mission, Enemy, Terrain and weather, Troops and support available—Time available, Civilians
- MEU(SOC) Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable)
- MEV medical evacuation vehicle (US)
- MEWS Mobile Electronic Warfare System
- MEWSS Mobile Electronic Warfare Support System
- MF multifunction
- MFC Mortar Fire Control(ler)
- MFCS Multi-Fire Control System/Mortar Fore Control System
- MFCV Missile Fire-Control Vehicle
- MFF munition filling factory
- MG machine gun
- MGB Medium Girder Bridge
- MGL Multiple Grenade Launcher
- MGS Mobile Gun System
- MGTS MultiGun Turret System
- MGU Mid-course Guidance Unit
- MI Military Intelligence
- MIA Missing In Action
- MICOM Missile Command (US)
- MICV mechanised infantry combat vehicle
- MILAN Missile d'Infantrie Léger Antichar (light infantry anti-tank missile)
- MILES Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (US)
- MILSPEC Military Specification
- MILSTAR MILitary Strategic and Tactical Relay (US)
- MIPS Medium Integrated Propulsion System (US)
- MLA Manufacturing Licence Agreement
- MLC Military Load Class
- MLC Modular Load Carrier
- MLF Marine Logistics Force
- MLR Marine Logistics Regiment
- MLI Mid-Life Improvement
- MLO Muzzle Loaded Ordnance
- MLRS Multiple Launch Rocket System (US)
- mm millimetre(s)
- MMBF mean miles between failures
- MMG Medium Machine Gun
- MMS mast-mounted sight
- MMS Modular Mounting System
- MNVD Monocular Night Vision Device
- MoA Memorandum of Agreement
- MOA Minute Of Angle
- MoD Ministry of Defence
- MODA Ministry of Defence and Aviation
- MOLF Modular Laser Fire Control (Germany)
- MOLLE MOdular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment
- MOPP Mission Oriented Protective Posture (US)
- MOS Military Occupational Specialty (US)
- MoU Memorandum of Understanding
- MOUT Military Operations in Urban Terrain (urban warfare) (US)
- MP Machine Pistol
- MPBAV MultiPurpose Base Armoured Vehicle
- MPC MultiPurpose Carrier (Netherlands)
- MPGS Mobile Protected Gun System (US)
- MPI Mean Point of Impact
- MPIM MultiPurpose Individual Munition
- MPM MultiPurpose Munition
- MPS Maritime Prepositioning Ships (US)
- MPV Multi-Purpose Vehicle
- MPWS Mobile Protected Weapon System (US)
- MR Medium Range
- MRAP Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (Vehicle)
- MRAR MultiRole Assault Round
- MRAV MultiRole Armoured Vehicle
- MRBF mean rounds before failure
- MRBS mean rounds between stoppages
- MRE Meal Ready to Eat
- MRS multiple rocket system
- MRS muzzle reference system
- MRSI Multiple Round Simultaneous Impact
- MRV(R) Mechanised Recovery Vehicle (Repair)
- MRVR Mechanised Repair and Recovery Vehicle (US)
- MSSG MAU/MEU Service Support Group (USMC)
- MSR Missile Simulation Round
- MSR Main Supply Route
- MSTAR Man-portable Surveillance and Target Acquisition Radar
- MSV Modular Support Vehicle
- MT mechanical time
- MTB Mobility TestBed
- MTBF Mean Time Between Failure
- MTI moving target indication
- MTL Materials Technology Laboratory (US)
- MTR Mobile Test Rig (US)
- MTSQ mechanical time and super-quick
- MTSQ Mechanical Time Semi-Quick
- MTU Motoren- und Turbinen-Union
- MTVL mobile tactical vehicle light
- MUGS Multipurpose Universal Gunner Sight
- MULE Modular Universal Laser Equipment (US)
- MUSS Multifunctional Selfprotection System
- MV muzzle velocity
- MVEE Military Vehicles and Engineering Establishment (UK)
- MVRS Muzzle Velocity Radar System
- MWCS Marine Wing Communications Squadron
- MWHS Marine Wing Headquarters Squadron
- MWS Manned Weapon Station (US)
- MWS Modular Weapon System
- MWSG Marine Wing Support Group
- MWSS Marine Wing Support Squadron
- NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
- NBC Nuclear, Biological, Chemical
- NBMR NATO Basic Military Requirement
- NCIS Naval Criminal Investigative Service (US)
- NCO Non-Commissioned Officer (US, E-4 - E-9)
- NCOIC Non-Commissioned Officer In Charge
- NDI Non-Developmental Item
- NDU Navigation Display Unit
- NFOV Narrow Field Of View
- NG New/Next Generation
- Ni/Cd Nickel Cadmium
- NLAW Next Light (weight) Anti-armour Weapon
- NLOS-C Non-Line Of Sight-Cannon
- NLOS-M Non-Line Of Sight-Mortar
- NRF NATO Response Force
- NS Network Services
- NTC National Training Center (USA)
- NUGP nominal unit ground pressure
- NV Night Vision
- NVD Night Vision Device
- NVE Night Vision Equipment
- NVESD Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate
- NVG Night Vision Goggle
- NVS Night Vision System
- NZDF New Zealand Defence Force
- NZEF New Zealand Expeditionary Force (in WWI & WWII)
- OBR Optical Beam-Riding
- OCC Obus à Charge Creusé (shaped-charge shell)
- OCOKA Observation and fields of fire, Cover and concealment, Obstacles, Key terrain, and Avenues of Approach.
- OCSW Objective Crew-Served Weapon
- OCU Operational Centre Unit
- ODE Ordnance Development and Engineering (Singapore)
- OEG Occluded Eye Gunsight (a type of Collimator sight)
- OEO optical and electro-optical
- OFSA Objective Family of Small Arms
- OFSA One Size Fits All
- OFW Objective Force Warrior
- OHWS Offensive Hand Weapon System
- OIC Officer In Charge
- OICW Objective Individual Combat Weapon
- OOTW Operations Other Than War
- OP Observation post
- OP Operators Panel
- OPCON OPerational CONtrol
- OPDW Objective Personal Defense Weapon
- OPORD OPerations Order
- OPSEC OPerational SECurity
- OPV Observation Post Vehicle
- OSW Objective Sniper Weapon
- OSS (USAF) Operational Support Squadron
- OSW (USAF) Operational Support, Weather
- OT operational test
- OTA overflight top attack
- OTEA Operational Test and Evaluation Agency (US)
- P How pack howitzer
- P3I Pre-Planned Product Improvements
- PAR pulse acquisition radar
- PAT power-assisted traverse
- PC Personal Computer
- PCB printed circuit board
- PCC Police Compact Carbine
- PCI Pre-combat inspection
- PD Point Defense
- PD point detonating
- PD Point of Departure
- PDNA Positioning Determining/Navigation Unit
- PDRR Program Definition and Risk Reduction
- PDW Personal Defence Weapon
- PE MoD Procurement Executive (UK)
- PE Peace Enforcement (US DoD)
- PEC Printed Electronic Circuits
- PFD proximity fuze disconnector
- PFHE prefragmented high explosive
- PFPX prefragmented proximity fuzed
- PGMM Precision Guided Mortar Munition
- PH Probability of Hit
- Pi Probability of incapacitation
- PIAT Projector, Infantry, Anti Tank
- PIBD Point Initiating Base Detonated
- PID Positive Identification
- PIE pyrotechnically initiated explosive
- PIP Product Improvement Programme
- PL Phase Line
- PLA People's Liberation Army
- PLARS Position Location And Reporting System (US)
- PLC Programmable Logic Control
- PLO Palestinian Liberation Army
- PLOS Predicted Line Of Sight
- PLS Palletised Load System (US)
- PM porte mortier (mortar carrier)
- PM Product Manager
- PMCS Preventative Maintenance Checks and Services
- PMEE U.S. Air Force abbreviation for Prime Mission Electronic Equipment
- PMO Program Management Office (US)
- PMO Provost Marshall's Office
- PMOD Platform Modifications
- PMS Pedestal-Mounted Stinger
- PNU Position Navigation Unit
- POA&M Plan Of Action & Milestones
- POF Pakistan Ordnance Factory
- POS Postes Optiques de Surveillance
- POW Prisoner(s) of War
- PPI plan position indicator
- PPS Precise Positioning Service
- PRAC practice
- PRAC-T practice tracer
- PRI projector reticle image
- PRP Personnel Reliability Program (screening and monitoring of individuals with access to "special" weapons)
- PSD Propulsion System Demonstrator
- PSO Peace Support Operations
- PSS Primary Sight System
- PTO power take-off
- PVP Petit Véhicule Protégé
- PW Prisoner of War
- PWI-SR(GR) Panser Wagen Infanterie-Standaard (Groep)
- PWP Plasticised White Phosphorus
- QCB Quick Change Barrel
- QE Quadrant Elevation
- QRF Quick Reaction Force
- s second(s)
- S&W Smith & Wesson
- SABCA Société Anonyme Belge de Constructions Aéronautiques
- SABR Selectable Assault Battle Rifle
- SABS Stabilizing Automatic Bomb Sight
- SAC Small Arms Collimator
- SACLOS Semi-Automatic Command to Line Of Sight
- SADA Standard Advanced Dewar Assembly
- SADARM Sense And Destroy Armor (US)
- SADF South African Defence Force
- SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
- SAF Small Arms Fire
- SAFCS Small Arms Fire Control System
- SAFIRE Surface-to-Air Fire
- SAL semi-active laser
- SAM surface-to-air missile
- SAMM Société d'Applications des Machines Motrices
- SANDF South African National Defence Force
- SANG Saudi Arabian National Guard
- SAP Semi-Armour-Piercing
- SAPHEI Semi-Armour-Piercing High Explosive Incendiary
- SAPI semi-armour-piercing incendiary
- SAS-EAS Sealed Authenticator System - Emergency Action Procedures (Nuclear Weapons Release Control)
- SASR Special Application Sniper Rifle
- SAT Small Arms Trainer
- SATCP Systиme Anti-aérien à Trиs Courte Portée (very short-range anti-aircraft system)
- SAVA Standard Army Vectronics Architecture
- SAW Squad Automatic Weapon
- SAWS Squad Automatic Weapon System
- SB Short Barrel
- SCORE Stratified Charge Omnivorous Rotary Engine
- SD self-destruct(ion)
- SEAL Sea/Air/Land
- SEALOCK Search, Locate, and Communicate or Kill
- SEATO Southeast Asia Treaty Organisation
- SEME School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
- SEN shell extended range NORICUM
- SEP Soldier Enhancement Programme
- SFCS Simplified Fire-Control System
- SFIM Société de Fabrication d'Instrument de Mesure
- SFIRR solid fuel integral rocket/ramjet
- SFM Sensor Fuzed Munitions
- SFMG Sustained Fire Machine Gun
- SFSW Special Forces Support Weapon
- SFW Special Forces Weapon
- SGTS Second-Generation Tank Sight
- SH/PRAC squash head practice
- SHORAD Short-Range Air Defence System
- shp shaft horsepower
- SIC Second in Command
- SICPS Standard Integrated Command Post Systems
- SINCGARS Single Channel Ground/Air Radio System
- SIP System Improvement Plan/Programme
- SIPS Small Integrated Propulsion System
- SJFN Semi-Jacketed Flat Nose
- SJHP Semi-Jacketed Hollow Point
- SKOT Sredni Kolowy Opancerzny Transporter (armoured personnel carrier)
- SLAP saboted light armor penetrator
- SLAW Shoulder-Launched Assault Weapon
- SLEP Service Life Extension Program (US)
- SLR Self-Loading Rifle
- SLR Super Low Recoil
- SLWAGL Super Light Weight Automatic Grenade Launcher
- SM smoke
- SMAW Shoulder-launched Multi-purpose Assault Weapon
- SMG sub-machine gun
- SMK Smoke
- Smoke BE smoke base ejection
- Smoke WP smoke white phosphorus
- SMP Surface Mine Plough
- SNAFU Situation Normal, All Fouled Up
- SNCO Staff Non-Commissioned Officer (USMC, E-6 - E-9)
- SNCOIC Staff Non-Commissioned Officer In Charge (USMC)
- SOCOM Special Operations Command
- SOF Special Operations Force(s)
- SOG Speed Over Ground
- SOP Standing/Standard Operational Procedure(s)
- SP Shore Patrol
- SP self-propelled
- SP Soft Point
- SPAAG self-propelled anti-aircraft gun
- SPAAM self-propelled anti-aircraft missile
- SPAG self-propelled assault gun
- SPARK solid propellant advanced ramjet kinetic energy missile
- SPAS Special Purpose Automatic Shotgun
- SPATG self-propelled anti-tank gun
- SPAW self-propelled artillery weapon
- SPG self-propelled gun
- SPH self-propelled howitzer
- SPL self-propelled launcher
- SPLL Self-propelled Loader Launcher
- SPM self-propelled mortar
- SPP Special Purpose Pistol
- SPR Special Purpose Rifle
- SPS Standard Positioning Service
- SPSM Sensorgezundete Panzerabwehr SubMunition
- SPW Special Purpose Weapon
- SR Short Rifle
- SR Staff Requirement
- SRAW Short Range Assault Weapon
- SRC Space Research Corporation
- SRG shell replenishment gear
- SRI Short Range Insert
- SRTS Short Range Thermal Sight
- SRU Shop Replaceable Unit
- SRU Slip Ring Unit
- SRV Surrogate Research Vehicle (US)
- SSA Special Spaced Armour
- SSG Single Shot Gun
- SSK Single Shot Kill
- SSW Squad Support Weapon
- ST Staff Target
- STA shell transfer arm
- STAB Steered Agile Beams
- STAFF Small Target Activated Fire-and-Forget (US)
- STANAG STANdardisation Agreement
- STARTLE Surveillance and Target Acquisition Radar for Tank Location and Engagement (US)
- STE/ICE Simplified Test Equipment/Internal Combustion Engine (US)
- STOVL Short Take Off and Vertical Landing
- STUP spinning tubular projectile
- SUB SUBstitute
- SUC Square Ultra Compact
- SUIT Sight Unit Infantry Trilux
- SUSAT Sight Unit Small Arms Trilux
- SWARM Stabilised Weapon and Reconnaissance Mount
- SWAT Special Weapons And Tactics
- SWC Semi WadCutter
- SWS Sniper Weapon System
- T Tracer
- TACBE Tacbe
- TACMS Army Tactical Missile System (US)
- TACOM Tank-automotive and Armaments Command (US)
- TAD Temporary Additional Duty (Naval Services term)Temporary Duty
- TADDS Target Alert Display Data Set (US)
- TADS Target Acquisition and Designation System (US)
- TAM Tanque Argentino Mediano
- TAS Target Acquisition Subsystem
- TAS tracking adjunct system
- TAS Turret Attitude Sensor
- TBAT TOW/Bushmaster Armored Turret (US)
- TC Tank Commander
- TCO Tactical Combat Operations
- TCTO Time-Compliance Technical Order
- TCU tactical control unit
- TD Tank Destroyer
- TDCS Tank Driver Command System
- TDD Target Detection Device
- TDR Target Data Receiver
- TDY Temporary Duty
- TE Tangent Elevation
- TEL Transporter-Erector-Launcher
- TELAR Transporter-Erector-Launcher And Radar
- TES Tactical Environment Simulation
- TES target engagement system
- TGMTS Tank Gunnery Missile Tracking System
- TGP Terminally Guided Projectile
- TGP Targeting pod
- TGS Tank Gun Sight
- TGSM terminally guided submunition
- TGTS tank gunnery training simulator
- TI thermal imaging/imager
- TIC Troops In Contact
- TICM thermal imaging common modules
- TIIPS Thermal Imaging and Integrated Position System
- TIM Thermal Imaging Module
- TIPU Thermal Image Processing Units
- TIRE Tank Infra-Red Elbow
- TIS thermal imaging system
- TLC Transport Launching Container
- TLD Top Level Demonstrations
- TLE Treaty Limited Equipment
- TLP Troop Leading Procedures (US)
- TLR Tank Laser Rangefinder
- TLS Tank Laser Sight
- TM&LS Textron Marine & Land Systems
- TMBC Turret Management Ballistic Computer
- TMP Tactical Machine Pistol
- TMS Turret Modernisation System
- TMUAS Turreted Mortar Under Armor System (US)
- TNT Trinitrotoluene
- TO Technical Order
- TOE table of organisation and equipment
- TOGS Thermal Observation and Gunnery System (UK)
- TOP Total Obscuring Power
- TOPAS Transporter Obrneny Pasovy
- TOTE Tracker, Optical Thermally Enhanced
- TOW Tube-launched, Optically tracked, Wire command link guided (US)
- TP Target Practice
- TP-FL target practice flash
- TP-S or TPS Target Practice-Spotting/Signature
- TP-SM target practice - smoke
- TP-SP target practice - spotting
- TP-T target practice - tracer
- TPCM Target Practice Colour-Marking
- TPDS Target Practice Discarding Sabot
- TPFSDS-T target practice fin-stabilised discarding sabot - tracer
- TPTF Target Practice Time Fuzed
- TR Triple Rail
- TRACER Tactical Reconnaissance Armoured Combat Equipment Requirement (UK)
- TRACKSTAR Tracked Search and Target Acquisition Radar System (US)
- TRADOC Training and Doctrine Command (US)
- TSFCS Tank Simplified Fire-Control System
- TSQ time and super-quick
- TSR Tavor Sporting Rifle
- TT transport de troupes (troop transporter)
- TTB Tank TestBed (US)
- TTD Transformation Technology Demonstrator
- TTG Time To Go
- TTS Tank Thermal Sight
- TU Terminal Unit
- TU Traversing Unit
- TUA TOW Under Armor (US)
- TUR Tiefflieger-Ьberwachungs-Radar (low-level surveillance radar)
- TV Television
- TWD Thermal Warning Device
- TWMP Track Width Mine Plough
- TWS Thermal Weapon Sight
- TYDP Ten Year Defence Programme (Australia)
- V Volt(s)
- VAB Véhicule de l'Avant Blindé (front armoured car)
- VAB Vickers Armoured Bridgelayer
- VADS Vulcan Air Defense System (US)
- VAE Vehiculo Armado Exploracion
- VAK Vehicle Adaptor Kit
- VAPE Vehiculo Apoyo y Exploracion
- VARRV Vickers Armoured Repair and Recovery Vehicle
- VARV Vickers Armoured Recovery Vehicle
- VBC Véhicule Blindé de Combat (armoured combat vehicle)
- VBCI Véhicule Blindé de Combat d'Infanterie
- VBL Véhicule Blindé Léger (light armoured vehicle)
- VBM Véhicules Blindés Modulaires
- VC Vehicle Commander
- VCA Véhicule Chenillé d'Accompagnement (tracked support vehicle)
- VCC Veicolo Corazzato de Combattimento
- VCG Véhicule de Combat du Genie (armoured engineer vehicle)
- VCI Véhicule de Combat d'Infanterie; Vehiculo combate infanteria (infantry combat vehicle)
- VCP Vehicle Check Point
- VCR variable compression ratio
- VCR Véhicule de Combat à Roues (wheeled combat vehicle)
- VCR/AT Véhicule de Combat à Roues/Atelier Technique (salvage)
- VCR/IS Véhicule de Combat à Roues/Intervention Sanitaire (stretchers)
- VCR/PC Véhicule de Combat à Roues/Poste de Commandement (HQ)
- VCR/TH Véhicule de Combat à Roues/Tourelle HOT (turret with four HOT ATGW)
- VCR/TT Véhicule de Combat à Roues/Transport de Troupes (troop carrier)
- VCTIS Vehicle Command and Tactical Information System
- VCTM Vehiculo de Combate Transporte de Mortero (armoured mortar carrier)
- VCTP Vehiculo de Combate Transporte de Personal (armoured personnel carrier)
- VDA Véhicule de Défense Anti-aérienne (anti-aircraft defence vehicle)
- VDAA Véhicule d'Auto-Défense Anti-aérienne
- VDC Voltage Direct Current
- VDM viscous damped mount
- VDSL Vickers Defence Systems Ltd
- VDU visual display unit
- VEC Vehiculo de Exploraciòn de Caballerie
- VEDES Vehicle Exhaust Dust Ejection System (US)
- VERDI Vehicle Electronics Research Defence Initiative (UK)
- VHIS visual hit indicator system
- VIB Véhicule d'Intervention du Base
- VIDS Vehicle Integrated Defence System
- VINACS Vehicle Integrated Navigation and Command System
- VIRSS Visual and InfraRed Smoke Screening System
- VITS Video Image Tracking Systems
- VLAP Velocity-enhanced Long-range Artillery Projectile
- VLC Véhicule Léger de Combat (light armoured car)
- VLI Visible Light Illuminator
- VLSMS Vehicle-Launched Scatterable Mine System
- VMA Marine Light Attack Squadron
- VMA(AW) Marine All-Weather Attack Squadron
- VMBT Vickers Main Battle Tank
- VMF Marine Fighter Squadron
- VMFA Marine Fighter Attack Squadron
- VMFA(AW) Marine All-Weather Fighter Attack Squadron
- VMGR Marine Aerial Refueler/Transport Squadron
- VMFP Marine Aerial Reconnaissance Squadron
- VMR Marine Transport Squadron
- VMAQ Marine Electonic Warfare Attack Squadron
- VMS Vehicle Motion Sensor
- VNAS Vehicle Navigation Air System
- VRL Véhicule Reconnaissance Léger (light reconnaissance vehicle)
- VSEL Vickers Shipbuilding and Engineering Ltd
- VT variable time (fuse)
- VTOL Vertical Take-Off and Landing aircraft
- VTP véhicule transport de personnel (personnel carrier)
- VTT véhicule transport de troupe (troop transporter)
- VVSS vertical volute spring suspension
- VXB Véhicule Blindé à Vocations Multiples (multipurpose armoured car)
- WAAC Women's Auxiliary Army Corps and individual members of; obsolete
- WAC Women's Army Corps and individual members of; obsolete
- WAF Women (in the) Air Force and individual members of; obsolete
- WAM Wide Area Mines (US)
- WAMI Wide Area Motion Imagery (US)
- WAPC Wheeled Armoured Personnel Carrier (Canada)
- WASAD Wide Angle Surveillance and Automatic Detection Device
- WAV Wide Angle Viewing
- WAVES Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service (USN); obsolete
- WES Wing Engineer Squadron (USMC)
- WFOV Wide Field Of View
- WFSV Wheeled Fire Support Vehicle (Canada)
- WHA Weapons Head Assembly
- WHSA Weapons Head Support Assembly
- WLR Weapon Locating Radar
- WM Woman/Women Marine(s)
- WMD Weapon(s) of Mass Destruction
- WMRV Wheeled Maintenance and Recovery Vehicle (Canada)
- WP white phosphorus
- WP-T white phosphorus - tracer
- WSM Winchester Short Magnum
- WTS Wing Transportation Squadron (USMC)
- YMRS Yugoslav multiple rocket system
See also